Just like reaching a seriously high level in any Happy Birds app, managing your personal finances is also a challenge. While the Happy Birds apps can provide serious entertainment value, there are now very valuable apps that will assist you to become better manager of your money.

Saving money with apps is now easier than ever. The latest apps are very user friendly and inputting your financial information into one place has never been easier. There are 3 apps that are the best out there currently to help you save. They are available in both the iTunes and Google Play stores. Although there is a store purchase fee for each app, consider it a very small investment compared to the money you are going to save by using them.

Saving Money with Apps – The Best 3

1. Homebudget with Sync. $6.49. This is a complete app where you can keep track of everything – income, expenses, bills and bank balances. If you want to share managing your tracking with a partner or family member you can use the Family Sync feature. Simple charts and graphs help to explain where you are at any time with your finances.

2. BillTracker. $2.49. Specifically for managing bills and invoices, BillTracker can be used to store all your out-going money transactions in one secure place. There is also a clever reminder feature to pay bills – so no more excuses for incurring late payment fees because you forgot to pay.

3. Spending Tracker Pro Version. $3.79. This app focuses specifically on what you are spending your money on. This app neatly summarises what you spend your money on either weekly, monthly or yearly. If you reach the stage to be able to review a yearly summary you are doing a great job maintaining your records.

Get the Most from Money Saving Apps – Be Committed!

You have to be committed to input your finance updates into these apps on a regular basis. You will be surprised that after compiling entries over just a few weeks you will notice certain spending and saving patterns. And that’s the great bit about having all your finance info stored in another place apart from your brain – which can be very unreliable! So maybe a bit less time playing Hungry Birds and start saving money with apps today.

Read more of the latest money saving news at Daily Savers Club here.